「ひびきあうハート Tokyo 2023」(日本赤十字社オープンホスピタル)終了

2023.10.15 東京・広尾の日本赤十字社医療センターのオープンホスピタルで「ひびきあうハート Tokyo 2023」のワークショップと制作を行いました。
昨年の「Kumamoto 2022」に続き、今年は東京での実施。当日午前中は雨で足元が悪かったにもかかわらず、ボランティアに加えて230人ほどの一般の方とに参加していただき、800個ほどの小ハートが集まって大きなハートをいくつも作ることができました!
「ひびきあうハート Tokyo 2023」
[企画] 特定非営利活動法人コミュナール
[監修アーティスト] 西村公一氏
[制作協力] BNPパリバ・グループ、愛染橋病院、大阪リハビリテーション病院、その他個人の皆様
[寄附] BNPパリバ・グループ、株式会社メディカ・ライン、その他個人の皆様

2023.10.15 Workshop and art production of “Resonant Heart Tokyo 2023” at the Open Hospital of the Japan Red Cross Medical Center in Hiroo, Tokyo.
The project, for which we started planning last year has finally been completed! The “Resonant Heart” series is our annual main event. Following that of “Kumamoto 2022”, we held it in Tokyo this year. Despite the rain in the morning of the day, about 230 people participated in addition to the volunteers, and about 800 small hearts in total came together to form several large hearts!
The day before, we laid out at the entrance a big heart as large as 2m30cm, using about 300 small red hearts made by members of the BNP Paribas Group.
In addition, a three-dimensional red heart about 1 m 20 cm in size was made, which has prepared by artist Koichi Nishimura from the day before. Its frame was made of wooden frames and bamboo strings, and LED lights were installed inside. With an app that can change the color of light in response to sounds and colors, an idea came up of collaborating with piano performance of the Director of the hospital, Dr. Nakajima. With the consent of the staff, this heart was temporarily installed next to the piano during his concert held at the Open Hospital.
Colorful hearts made at our workshop held in August were divided into 6 colors and arranged on the glass facing the garden side.
On the day of the Open Hospital, people came to our workshop one after another from cute children to seniors, men and women of all ages, and all sorts of people came to enjoy making small hearts and decorating them on glass surfaces.
The medical center’s mascot character “Heartra-chan” also came to try to put a red small heart on the glass.
Around noon, the hearts on the garden side were completed, so we added another large heart on the side of the elevator. Some children stared at the situation from inside the skeleton elevator. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Many colorful and unique hearts have been added to the stylish hospital space, and the atmosphere has changed considerably. We would be happy if you could feel the warmth of the hands and hearts of the creators.
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the pre- and on-the-day workshops, everyone who donated to this project, and everyone at the Japan Red Cross Medical Center who responded very kindly from start to finish!
” Resonant Hearts Tokyo 2023″
[Planning] Non-Profit Organization Communart
[Supervising Artist] Koichi Nishimura
[Production Cooperation] BNP Paribas Group, Aizenbashi Hospital, Osaka Rehabilitation Hospital, and many other individuals
[Donation] BNP Paribas Group, medica LINE Co., Ltd., and many other individuals