
2023.7.3 大阪リハビリテーション病院(阪南市)でデジタルアートの試写とマスキングテープアート制作を行いました。
当日は、当法人初の試みであるデジタルアートの試写から始まりました。フランスのアール・ダン・ラ・シテ Art dans la citéという団体が制作した「イリュミナール illuminart」というデジタルアートコンテンツを、亀井克之理事が解説を交えて紹介しました。これは手軽に持ち運べるタブレットと小型プロジェクターを使って上映するもので、壁面はもちろん、ベッドの上で天井投影もできるようになっています。アクアリウムや森の散歩などの映像を鑑賞できるばかりでなく、バーチャル美術館、ゲーム形式で遊べるジャングル、音楽を伴うプラネタリウムなど、タブレット操作と連動したインタラクティブなコンテンツも用意されています。欧州では三十数か所の病院・施設等に導入されているとのことでした。


Jul. 3rd, 2023 Digital art preview and masking tape art production at Osaka Rehabilitation Hospital (Hannan City).
The day began with a preview of digital art. Dr. Katsuyuki Kamei (our board member) introduced the digital art contents called “illuminart,” produced by the French organization “Art dans la cité”, with commentary. This is shown using an easily portable tablet and a small projector, and can be projected on the ceiling on a bed as well as on the wall. Not only can visitors view images of aquariums and walks in the forest, but also interactive content linked to tablet operations, such as a virtual museum, a jungle where visitors can play games, and a planetarium with music. In Europe, this system has been installed in more than 30 hospitals and facilities.
Afterwards, we held a washitape (maskingtape) art workshop with staff members to create artwork to display in the waiting area.
More than 20 members from various fields, including donctors, nurses, clerical staff, and rehabilitation staff participated in the workshop in their spare time.
The hospital had been involved in masking tape art for some time, but they asked us if we could help them create a bigger-scale mural. This time, the rehabilitation staff wanted to create a four-leaf clover in the waiting area. They also want to create, in the near future, something that patients in the waiting area could easily participate in, so we asked them to try a method of combining individual pieces to create a larger piece.
First, each participant made a small heart on a cooking sheet on the desk, then laid it out on a large heart (also on a cooking sheet) that had been made separately, and brought it to the wall where it would be displayed.
There was a time of excitement over the choice of tape and how to apply it, and a time when everyone was tearing and applying the tape silently and silently, and it was completed in no time at all, although everyone was taking turns.