「ひびきあうハート Tokyo 2023」STEP 1 BNPパリバ様ワークショップ

2023年5月26-27日 「ひびきあうハート Tokyo 2023」STEP 1として、BNPパリバ様でワークショップを実施しました。
2020年よりマスキングテープによるホスピタルアートをCSR活動としてご採用頂いているBNPパリバ様。ボランティア活動を社是とされ、全世界の社員で合計100万時間/年の参加を目指す「1Million Hours 2 Help」というプログラムを実践されています。
今年のプログラム「ひびきあうハート Tokyo 2023」は、日赤医療センターへの制作を念頭に置いて進めています。ということで、今年は赤色を基調としたハート作りとなりました。



May, 26-27th 2023 “Cœur résonnant Tokyo 2023” STEP1 : Workshop in BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas has adopted hospital art using masking tape as a CSR activity since 2020. BNP Paribas has made volunteer activities a company policy and is implementing the “1 Million Hours 2 Help” program, which aims for a total of 1 million hours of participation per year by employees around the world.
In the past, we have made many small hearts with employees and combined them into a larger piece of artwork in a hospital. All past workshops have been held online, and employees have participated from their homes, sometimes with family members joining them.
This year, for the first time, the workshops were also held face-to-face. About 30 employees gathered at the end of working hours at the company’s office to make masking tape hearts under the guidance of artist Koichi Nishimura.
This year’s program, “Cœur résonnant Tokyo 2023,” is designed to take place at the Japan Red Cross Medical Center. Therefore, the color of the hearts this year is red.
Since this was a face-to-face workshop, we asked participants not only to make small hearts on the desk, but also to lay out the hearts they had made into a large heart to imagine a large piece of artwork to be made at the hospital.
The second day was an online workshop as usual. We had a number of employees who participated with their children, some of whom are already regular participants. Thanks to the large heart behind us created on the first day, we believe that the audience was able to visualize, even through the screen, how the hearts they were creating would be used in the larger work.
We would like to thank the company’s representatives and all the participants for this enjoyable workshop. The hearts created here will be made into a large piece of artwork at the hospital in the fall. Please look forward to it!